Detailed overview of Microsoft 98-349 Exam
The candidates for this certification test are required to have an understanding of the fundamental concepts of Windows operating systems in the Windows 10 environment. The exam is designed to evaluate some technical skills, which are as follows:
Understand configuration of an operating system: 15-20%Install & upgrade client systems: 15-20%Understand maintenance of an operating system: 15-20%Manage devices: 15-20%Manage applications: 15-20%Manage files & folders: 15-20%
The students should develop competence in the above-mentioned topics before attempting the exam if they really want to succeed. It is essential to mention that theseobjectives are a scope of the skills that will be evaluated. The components of each subject can be found on the certification webpage. It is important that the test takers go through these before starting their exam preparation. In addition, you should know that the percentage associated with each topic area indicates the weight of questions that may be expected from the delivery of Microsoft 98-349. The Microsoft 98-349 exam is available in a wide variety of languages, including English, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Korean, and Spanish (Latin America). The test contains 40-60 questions but this number varies from time to time. The types of questions to expect include build list, active screen, best answer, drag and drop, case study, hot area, short answer, multiple choice, review screen, mark review, and repeated answer choices. The time duration for the completion of this certification exam is 45 minutes. If you register your Microsoft 98-349 with Pearson VUE, you will be given a total of 90 minutes, which covers the time required for reviewing the instructions, reading and signing the NDA, completing the exam questions, and providing comments after the completion of the test.
Some words about test-taking process
The students have precisely 45 minutes for the completion of the Microsoft 98-349 exam. This means that they have to be time conscious when taking it. Do not spend too much time on a question. It is important that you read the instructions before you start your test. If the instruction states that you cannot go back to review the answers to specific questions, you should be sure that the one you have provided is the best in your opinion. If you are given a case study, you may be able to go over the answers if you are still within the same case study. However, if you have moved to the next section or case in your exam, you will not be able to review the questions or answers associated with previous one. You should also know that you will not be penalized for incorrect answers. This means the you have to ensure that you answer all the questions to the best of your ability. You should not leave any question unanswered as doing so will further reduce your opportunity to score better. You don’t lose anything by guessing the answers you are not sure of. The worst thing that can happen is that it will be marked as incorrect. However, if your guess is right, you will get the full mark for that question.
Effective preparation tools for Microsoft 98-349 exam
When it comes to preparation, the best way is to work through the technical skills provided on the exam page. You should first go through the topics and choose the appropriate study guide to help you with your study. Apart from the theoretical aspects of the test, you also need to develop hands-on experience with the technology of the exam. To achieve all this, there are various resources you can use. Let’s look at some of them.
Instructor-led and self-paced training courses
The candidates have the opportunity to choose between the instructor-led and self-paced courses when preparing for their certification exams. This training is designed to equip the test takers with the skills required to pass their exams and be successful in their job roles. Microsoft recommends that the students go through the official training course, Windows Operating System Fundamentals: MTA Exam 98-349. It is delivered both as the instructor-led and self-paced one. If you have the flexibility of time to take the instructor-led training, it will be a great option, as you can learn in a face-to-face learning environment from the certified Microsoft training partner. However, if you can’t, the self-paced courses will do just fine.
Practice tests
Evaluating your skills and knowledge related to the exam topics is very critical for your preparation. If you want to understand the content, you should take practice tests. They can help you easily identify your weak areas and take time to study more before the exam. The Microsoft Learning platform offers a link to samples of practice questions that you can use to evaluate your skill set. If you want full-length questions, you will have to check some reputable training platforms online. Examsnap is one of the leading portals that you can explore for valid and updated practice tests and exam dumps. You will find full-length questions delivered in a simulated exam environment to help you develop your test-taking skills.
There are many preparation tools for the Microsoft 98-349 exam that you can find online. Take advantage of the above-mentioned ones to get fully prepared for your test. You can also find some free and subscription-based resources. Whether you have a budget for training or not, you definitely will find enough study materials to help you ace your certification exam at the first attempt. Thanks for reading