What is a Discord Bot?

A discord bot is an automated program that runs on discord. It gives you more functionality. It can be a chatbot, music bot, moderation bot. Its functionality depends on what you want to do with it and how good you program it.

How to make a simple discord bot?

Now we will start writing the code for our Bot.

Replace name with the name of your bot, and create a description that will easily tell you the purpose of your bot and lastly your name in the author. Save this code as package.json in your discord bot folder. After you give your bot permissions, you can try to access your redirect link, which will lead you to a new page with lists of servers to which you want to send your bot. 3.  After saving your package.json, open a new notepad++ script, and type the following code Insert your bot’s authorization token which you obtained earlier. Make sure that you paste that token within the quotation marks and save this in the same folder with the name auth.json. Make sure to save these files as .json or else they will not work. 4. Now we will type the code for your bot. Open another script of notepad++. This step requires a bit of knowledge of JavaScript programming to make full use of your bot, but even if you are very new to coding and just want to make a simple bot, copy and paste the following code and save the file as bot.js. This code is written in a way, that when a user types “!Hello” or “!hello”, the bot will reply with Welcome to the Server. 5. Our code requires some of the node.js libraries to function. Open your command prompt and navigate to your discord bot folder and run the following commands. 6. Now it is time to test your bot. Open the command prompt and again navigate to the discord bot folder. Type the following command 7. Your bot will now be running. You can add your bot to any of your servers, by accessing your redirect link when your bot is up and running Note: In case you face error running the node bot.js command. You can try downgrading your Winston package. You can do so by following steps. 1. Edit your package.json and change the version of Winston to 2.4.4 2. Next, open the command prompt and navigate to your bot folder. Type the following command

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